what are warts?

Warts can appear on various parts of the body and are particularly common on the feet in the form of plantar warts – medically known as veruccas. Generally contracted through skin-to-skin contact, warts can also be contracted from surfaces around swimming pools and communal changing areas.


A wart is a virus, and just like the common cold, the body’s immune system will take care of it in time. While warts can look similar to corns, warts contain nerves and has a blood supply. Because of this, they can be painful due to rubbing and pressure from the location of the wart on your feet.


A chiropodist/podiatrist can diagnose warts on sight with no testing required and not all warts require treatment. In some cases, they will clear up without treatment, but it can take up to two years for the virus to leave your system and the warts to disappear.

In adults and people with a weakened immune system, warts are less likely to clear up on their own or respond well to treatment. Leaving the wart to go away by itself is one option or alternatively you may want to consider treatment if your wart is painful, in an awkward position, or is causing you distress or embarrassment.

We recommend that you seek medical attention if a wart changes shape, colour or causes pain. Always wear protective footwear in communal changing rooms to prevent contracting the virus or spreading the virus to others

There are a number of treatments available for warts, but there is no single treatment that is 100% effective and it may return in time. The aim of treatment is to remove the wart without it returning and without leaving any scarring.

We will devise a medical plan to eradicate the wart, which may involve biweekly application of topical chemical therapies, cryotherapy (freezing), Swift Microwave Therapy treatment, or surgery that can be done in the clinic.


Our toes are subject to the constant presence of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Fungal Toenails, also known as Onychomycosis, are one of the most common conditions we see at the clinic.

A slow growing microorganism, fungal infections usually occur underneath the nail and begin at the end of the nail (where nails get trimmed). It’s usually caused by spreading of fungus under the nail plate where the nail grows.

Fungi grow in warm, moist environments, like inside footwear and socks. Symptoms usually include: discolouration (usually brown, yellow and/or white) beneath the nail, a thickening of the nail, or an increase in white debris underneath the nail (which is a build up of keratin)


Similar to warts, a nail fungus is often picked up at public gyms, showers and swimming pools, but can also occur if you don’t dry your feet off thoroughly, or wear ill-fitting shoes that don’t allow your feet to breathe. 


It’s important to see a Chiropodist before the toenail infection spreads as it can spread to your skin.

Treatment includes oral medications prescribed from your family doctor, topical ointments, removing the affected nail(s), and even laser therapy. We have a variety of tools to reduce the thickness of your nails, so that the topical medications can be absorbed easier, and improving your treatment results.